Generate Dkim Key For Domain

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DKIM Wizard This wizard will allow you to easily create a public and private key pair to be used for DomainKeys and DKIM signing within PowerMTA™. The key pair will be used for both DomainKeys and DKIM signing.Policy records are no longer included as they are part of the deprecated DomainKeys, and not DKIM. Domain name of the 'From:' header address, not the SMTP 'MAIL FROM'.

Generate dkim key for domains
  • How to Use this Domain Key Generator To use the DKIM wizard, first specify a domain and a selector. The domain and the selector are not used in the generation of the public / private key pair. They will only be used to provide server and DNS setup instructions specific to you.
  • DKIM records are implemented as text records as well. The record must be created for a subdomain, which has a unique selector for that key, then a period (.), and then a protocol name 'domainkey' and the domain name itself. The type is TXT, and the value includes the type of key, followed by the actual key.



opendkim-genkey− DKIM filter key generation tool





opendkim-genkeygenerates (1) a private key for signing messages usingopendkim(8) and (2) a DNS TXT record suitable forinclusion in a zone file which publishes the matching publickey for use by remote DKIM verifiers.

The filenamesof these are based on the selector (see below); the privatekey will have a suffix of '.private' and the TXTrecord will have a suffix of '.txt'.

Both long andshort names are supported for most options.



(−−append-domain)Appends the domain name (see −d below) to the label inthe generated TXT record, followed by a trailing period. Bydefault it is assumed the domain name is implicit from thecontext of the zone file, and is therefore not included inthe output.

−b bits

Generate Dkim Key For Domain Hosting

(−−bits=n)Specifies the size of the key, in bits, to begenerated. The default is 1024 which is the valuerecommended by the DKIM specification.

−d domain

(−−domain=string)Names the domain which will use this key for signing.Currently only used in a comment in the TXT record file. Thedefault is '@DOMAIN@'.

−D directory

(−−directory=path)Instructs the tool to change to the named directoryprior to creating files. By default the current directory isused.

−h algorithms

(−−hash-algorithms=name[:name[...]])Specifies a list of hash algorithms which can be usedwith this key. By default all hash algorithms areallowed.

Generate dkim key pair


Print a helpmessage and exit.

−n note

(−−note=string)Includes arbitrary note text in the key record. Bydefault, no such text is included.


(−−restricted)Restricts the key for use in e-mail signing only. Thedefault is to allow the key to be used for any service.

Generate Dkim Key For Domain
  • How to Use this Domain Key Generator To use the DKIM wizard, first specify a domain and a selector. The domain and the selector are not used in the generation of the public / private key pair. They will only be used to provide server and DNS setup instructions specific to you.
  • DKIM records are implemented as text records as well. The record must be created for a subdomain, which has a unique selector for that key, then a period (.), and then a protocol name 'domainkey' and the domain name itself. The type is TXT, and the value includes the type of key, followed by the actual key.



opendkim-genkey− DKIM filter key generation tool




opendkim-genkeygenerates (1) a private key for signing messages usingopendkim(8) and (2) a DNS TXT record suitable forinclusion in a zone file which publishes the matching publickey for use by remote DKIM verifiers.

The filenamesof these are based on the selector (see below); the privatekey will have a suffix of '.private' and the TXTrecord will have a suffix of '.txt'.

Both long andshort names are supported for most options.



(−−append-domain)Appends the domain name (see −d below) to the label inthe generated TXT record, followed by a trailing period. Bydefault it is assumed the domain name is implicit from thecontext of the zone file, and is therefore not included inthe output.

−b bits

Generate Dkim Key For Domain Hosting

(−−bits=n)Specifies the size of the key, in bits, to begenerated. The default is 1024 which is the valuerecommended by the DKIM specification.

−d domain

(−−domain=string)Names the domain which will use this key for signing.Currently only used in a comment in the TXT record file. Thedefault is '@DOMAIN@'.

−D directory

(−−directory=path)Instructs the tool to change to the named directoryprior to creating files. By default the current directory isused.

−h algorithms

(−−hash-algorithms=name[:name[...]])Specifies a list of hash algorithms which can be usedwith this key. By default all hash algorithms areallowed.


Print a helpmessage and exit.

−n note

(−−note=string)Includes arbitrary note text in the key record. Bydefault, no such text is included.


(−−restricted)Restricts the key for use in e-mail signing only. Thedefault is to allow the key to be used for any service.

−s selector

(−−selector=name)Specifies the selector, or name, of the key pairgenerated. The default is 'default'.

Generate Dkim Key For Domain Godaddy


(−−[no]subdomains)Disallows subdomain signing by this key. By default the keyrecord will be generated such that verifiers are toldsubdomain signing is permitted. Note that for backwardcompatibility reasons, −S means the same as−−nosubdomains.


(−−[no]testmode) Indicates the generated keyrecord should be tagged such that verifiers are aware DKIMis in test at the signing domain.


(−−verbose) Increase verbose output.


(−−version) Print version number andexit.


Requires thatthe openssl(8) binary be installed and in theexecuting shell's search path.


This man pagecovers the version of opendkim-genkey that shippedwith version @VERSION@ of OpenDKIM.


Copyright (c)2007, 2008 Sendmail, Inc. and its suppliers. All rightsreserved.

Copyright (c)2009, 2011-2013, The Trusted Domain Project. All rightsreserved.

Generate Dkim Key For Domain Key


Create Dkim Keys


RFC6376 -DomainKeys Identified Mail

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